Though I had entered us in the Sunday morning 16m2 series as Team Sadler so that Em may sail with us if she wants to, I ended up solo on the results sheet.
Never mind that. We got to the club on Sunday morning to find Truus happily afloat and chomping on the bit. I paddled her to the jetty where we rigged, met the other 16m2 sailors and headed out to the start. I made a pig's ear of the start, trying a quick gybe and tack as if I was in a Laser. Different game, heavy keelboat tactics. The first beat went better though and we rounded in second. We swopped the first three places most of the way around until Dienke sailed a lovely beat from Oost to West and left us fighting for second and third.
Even the rain while hoisting out and tidying up couldn't spoil what had been a great weekend's sailing.